Learning English
In the Java language, it is mean: "sinau boso londo"
Well, I want to intoduce this (new) Mailing-List, or in other hands it is called Discussion Group.
This group was created by Fahmi Aulia, discussing about anything, either interesting topic or not. The special thing from this group is all messages must be written in english. Do not care about how bad your english is ;)
Another special thing, I am the second member of this group (after Fahmi himself, of course). You may take a look at the archive, the second message is from me :D
If you are interested to join, please visit this URL:
There are some notes you should be considered if want to join:
- Use Gmail Account.
Since the traffic (messages posted) on this group is very high, it will be more difficult to handle if you are using other email service, like Yahoo.
And, Gmail have the ability to group all messages that have same title into single thread, not to show all messages one by one like Yahoo (again).
- Use Secondary Account.
In other word, do not use your main email account. As I told before, the activity of this group is very high. If you use your main email (e.g: for work), it will disturbing you. At least, this situation was happen to me.
- Introduce Yourself.
For your information, this group was created by the one who come from Kampung Gajah, and then followed by many other members, thus most of the members are known each other.
If you are entering the room for the first time, you should specify your name, how come you know the group, what is your activity, and something needed to know how you are.
- Write In English.
Ah, I tell you again, please use english for your post, no matter how bad your english quality. You will get many of corrections here, so do not be afraid to be wrong, and ... no heart feeling ;)
Ok, see you on the group ;)
Filed in Bujangan
hihihiih ... smoga ini ga jd trend sesaat juga
btw nice idea to made this group ... Im in ;)
Ririn at 2006-09-14T15:29:25+07:00
hihihiih ... smoga ini ga jd trend sesaat juga
btw nice idea to made this group ... Im in ;)
*ini dah bener blm yak englishnya? :D*
Ririn at 2006-09-14T15:29:59+07:00
mudah2an bukan tren sesaat...
soalnya, animo member lumayan juga... :) selain itu, banyak juga member yg non id-gmail lho...
setidaknya ini memperlihatkan bahwa banyak orang Indonesia yg pengen belajar bahasa Inggris :)
Junkerz side B at 2006-09-14T15:36:49+07:00
Maju Terus Terus Maju
Jauhari at 2006-09-14T17:29:30+07:00
Nyaris bener.
Setauku setelah "to" harusnya kata dasar, jadi mestinya "to make".
Tau ah, tanya ke ahlinya aja ;;)
Lebih banyak mana dengan yang ingin belajar Bahasa Tubuh? ;))
Yang penting terutama adalah kebersamaan, karena pemula biasanya grogi duluan sebelum mau mulai, apalagi setelah lihat postingan yang 'wahh'.
Tani Maju?
Aryo Sanjaya at 2006-09-14T18:41:16+07:00
don't be shy, don't be afraid, you can do it!
endhoot at 2006-09-15T11:48:31+07:00
id-en...is it the right place to find some partners practicing oral English and anal English together? ...upsss, did i say something wrong?
rita at 2006-09-15T14:55:33+07:00
Agus Hermawan at 2006-09-17T11:48:53+07:00
Okay Bundha, thanks for your support.
Now you can say that word?
It must be some reason.
Ok, lets go join with it, then ;;)
Aryo Sanjaya at 2006-10-17T09:55:06+07:00
Dear all,
I am not expert in English but I had so much working with english. All of that I use only written english, even without grammar matter in well.
Now i believe that i need english for all purposes, written both with speaking.
So far I just know kind of translating software aslike Transtool. Though, i still have to work hard to arrange all sentences.
HEre is my will, i wanna speak in english, speak, speak ...
Moreover, could you let me know more about toefl test, as i also wanna run my english in good ways.
Eventually, that are all i thing until today ...
Best for all, wassalam,
Etik IndoGiant .
Hi Etik,
Just wanna know which city you are living now?
If you on around Malang, there are English First (EF) and english course on Universitas Merdeka (Unmer) Malang. You will get TOEFL test on there.
indogiant at 2008-01-12T07:51:06+07:00